A trip to Genting (14-15 Nov 09')
The scenery early in the morning. Didn't take any photos on the first day though.

Packed our luggage into the car then, Theme Park here we come!
Am lovin' my outfit of the day (:
Taken in the chocolate house.
The first ride of the day was the roller coaster. We wanted to play the 'Flying Swing' but it's temporarily under maintenance.

The guys went for a ride on the 'Solero Shot' and the girls stayed behind taking photos. Yes, we girls are scared, Haha!

The next ride 'Superman'. We called it Superman but I'm not sure what it's really called as.
Again, the girls stayed behind to cam-whore.
Kinda love this photo though.
Natalie x Sophia

Jason x Sophia x Chy Weng
Soon after that, we went for 'Pirate Ship'. Just when it's our turn to go on the ride, it rains heavily. How unlucky. We got no choice so we went to have our lunch, then head back home.
I'll end this post with another picture of mine (:
Sorry for writing lesser and lesser as there is nothing much to talk about in Genting.
I'll update more soon, as I'm going back to 'kampung' in few days time.
Till then ♥