Things seemed to go my way today surprisingly. Never really have this kinda feeling since a long time ago. I found my lost Ipod cable and Bluetooth headset today, finally they are back to my side again. Besides, I've been pampered by all sorts of touching words. Sweetness 

First, it was my beloved reddish twin who seldom talk much usually not to say being sweet or romantic. But tonight he told me something that is oh-so-touching which would be enough for me to faint for and could even make my tears drop (although I cry easily). Just wanna let you know I felt the same way too.
The second one would be Mr. Jia Hui. Well, although we just got to know each other for around a week, it feels like we've known each other forever. He's oh-so-freaking-different from the first impression he gave me which was not really good, teehee. He's really different and special from other rich kids plus he's cute when he's trying to get pampered. But don't be mistaken, he only lives for Miss JingJing and is not totally available :D

How sweet! :)
*Nothing can be more precious than you*
He should live on. Many more girls will be after her... Haha...