So, the boyfie went back to his hometown for a week. Many of them said that I shall declare FREEDOM, Haha! But it's not like I'm going to look for boys or whatever, so there's not much difference for me. The boyfie does give me freedom sometimes although he's here and I appreciate it. In fact, I'm the one who wanna cling on him at times *grin*
But of course, I would have more time to spend with my girls. Catching up and hanging out with them, updating myself with new, hot gossips for hours at Starbucks could never be better (:
Went to watch 'UP' (3D) with Shu Huey at night. It's a super cute and funny movie. For those who do not mind watching cartoons, I'm sure you guys would love it. Ratings: ★ ★ ★ ★
Chit-chatting session after that at Canai Cafe and Lee Ping joined us too. When a bunch of girls gathered, their conversation topics would just never end.
Went to Pavilion with Tze Ming, Moses, and Jia Hui at night. Jeff came over to meet us up as well. Supposed to accompany Moses to shop, instead all of us spotted something we fell in love with, Haha! Was forced to go to Euphoria by Moses after that, even though I'm really tired.
Met up with those Penang girls who came. Met Venice Tan from Penang for the second time (:
Only few of us went as some of them went back to hometown.
Stayed home for the whole day, wrapped under my comfy blanket all the time.
Went for dinner with Shu Huey and Lee Ping in Sunway Pyramid. Did some grocery shopping so I won't get starved to death at home when no one accompanies me to eat. This is why I miss him even when I'm eating.
Picked Shu Huey and Lee Ping up early in the morning, had our brunch and headed to Bangsar. Nothing could make me so motivated to wake up early in the morning except shopping, not even class *grin* Came back home only after dinner.
Yes! It's today and I'm lovin' it. Winnie Wen from Penang is in KL again, supposed to meet up but I'm lazy to drive all the way to KL alone and get caught in the massive traffic jam plus she has got some transport problem to come over Sunway. So, we're still trying to work something out, hopefully before she goes back to Penang tomorrow. Had an appoinment with Miss Lee Ping later for late lunch anyway.
The best part of today is that the boyfie is coming back tonight! Miss him like hell, Teehee. And I suppose we'll be joining the crowd somewhere for the celebration of Merdeka Eve. Can't wait! Hope everything turns out fun and fine.
Gotta get prepared soon, signing off.
Lots of Love ♥