The only three girls out of the group that night.

Wen Tzeh acting silly.

Steven & I.
Mushroom Ker Yi & Mushroom Sophia.
The longest best girl friend of mine, Seak Hwee :)
Last but not least, my Baby Joe & I, the Josophia :)
On Friday night, Baby Joe and his gang of friends suggested to watch movie in Sunway Pyramid. So, they came to pick me up and we decided to watch Max Payne. The movie was okay for me, but not very understandable for certain parts. I would rate the movie 3 out of 5 stars.
Then it was Sunday, when my parents came to Subang to look me up. And guess what, they are bringing my beloved car together with them for me! teehee. Its another 'finally'!! Thanks daddy mummy, and don't worry, I'll be extra careful and I will dote on my car so much :) Hopefully I am still able to discipline myself even with a car, haha. It's so much more convenient. Imagine I have to travel from my house to the university everyday without my own car, sigh. And i couldn't get to see my baby when I want to,hehe.
After they reached, I accompanied them to have their lunch in Sunway Pyramid. Then my mum did some shopping while I lead her way ( I memorised every direction in Sunway Pyramid as I'm there at least 2 times a week -.- ). We went to Watson and I got myself some really cute cosmetics. Its the new brand in Malaysia, as it is only available in Taiwan and Japan before this and I have to ask my friend to get for me online everytime I want which is so troublesome. Now it's available in most Watson's stores. It is the brand 'Majolica Majorca' by Shiseido. I love it because the price is reasonable and affordable compared to other brands like Anna Sui, their packages are cute, and most importantly, they are nice to use especially their mascaras and eyeliners. I can't resist how cute their packages are and I bought myself the whole collection, not whole actually but almost, haha.
That's all for the week and it is an interesting one for me indeed. I got several things in my wishlist fulfilled though there's still a lot more on it, so satisfied :) P/s: Thanks to Seak Hwee for accompanying my parents with me and be there for me during my first time ever driving in Selangor,haha.
*Loves & Hugz*
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