Went to Euphoria last Friday. Yes, Euphoria over and over again. But this time we went for a particular reason, it's Natalie's sweet 19 birthday bash :) She's actually the girlfriend of a classmate of Mr.Joseph.
The birthday girl definitely looks great that night. Sorry girl, for not being able to get you a present because we're kinda short of time. Since I already had so many posts on Euphoria before this, I shall allow the photos to 'talk' more this time round.
Of course, most of them who went last Friday were classmates of the boy. This is one them, Chy Weng. He has been asking for a photo with me since ages ago, haha!
Eeeks! I hate my hair. He insisted on taking photos like this.
The beloved one.
Why look at me this way, Chalam? Is there something on my hair or face? Haha!
The lovey-dovey, Chung How and Hooi Yi.
I was trying to hold my laughter so hard.
The new member, Cherish on the right.
This silly guy then came from Barcelona to meet us up.
He's making stupid faces non-stop, LOL.
Jia Hui the Di and Sophia the Jie.
Your silliness is one of the things I like about you :)
The two silly ones doing some gay act.
Finally, the threesome. But what happened to Mr.Joseph's eyes? Haha!
Took this before I clean up, remove my make up and then hop onto my bed. Saturday:Supposed to go to Pavilion but changed our destination to Mid Valley at last due to some unexpected problems. Watched the movie 'Star Trek' and the boy ended up sleeping till the movie ends, haha! But I wouldn't say the movie sucks, I would still rate it ✭✭✭
Went to Pavilion since we failed to go on the night before and the boy need to get something for his beloved iPhone. Nothing special. Had Madam Kwan's which is one of our favourites, met Jia Hui and his family, and were simply hanging around.
That's all for my weekend.
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