Sunday, November 30, 2008
~ A Little Too Not Over You ~
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
~ Pink She Said ~
So, daddy has been complaining that I'm too thin nowadays. True, my weight has been decreasing and i don't know why, although I consumed suppers quite often and desserts especially chocolates almost everyday. He said he's gonna bring me somewhere with lots of nice food. Yummy~ hehe. Can't wait!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
~ 不要对我再说爱 ~
我還在 分手的那一天原地徘徊
不明白 怎麼笑著走出來
你回來 可是過去再也回不來
我還在 鞦韆上搖擺
我不想 重新開始 還想著原來
我不能 給你確定的未來
你回來 可是過去回不來
我還在 鞦韆上來回搖擺
我坦白 一直忘不了原來
我害怕 我們再受到傷害
你回來 可是過去回不來
一段愛從不明白 到明白
This is actually a song from a Taiwanese drama called 'Hot Shot'.
*I should have known better what I really want*
~ The Heart of Desire ~

Thursday, November 13, 2008
~ I Wished You Loved Me ~
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
~ Still There For Me ~
Well, my drinks is actually the one with 'white-greeny' colour but it tastes weird, so I forced him to change with me, hahaha. Sorry Mr. Goofy :D
A random picture before I remove my make up.
*Changed or remain the same? You never fail to brighten up each of my day :) *
*Loves & Hugz*
*9th days without you*
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
~ This Is Real, This Is Me ~
Seak Hwee, Shu Huey & I, before hitting the club.
Mr. Tan Theng Wei.
Shu Huey & I.
Seak Hwee, Pei Wen & I, the craziest girls in 186.
With Kok Leong a.k.a Mr. Goofy.
Just dance ladies!

Yvonne the photographer for that night.
As usual, we would go for yumcha session after partying, and the girls sleepover at my house that night. Slept till noon the next day, took turns to prepare ourselves and it took hours, haha. We had our lunch during tea-time hour in Taipan. At night, we headed to The Curve to celebrate Rou Gin's birthday. Went to the Apartment to have our dinner. The ambiance and decorations are very special and comfortable.
On the way back from Taipan.
The menu.
The bar.
I like this section.
Rou Gin & I.
Never get enough pictures with this girl.
Shu Huey, Me & Lee Ping.
The birthday girl.
Seak Hwee being the photographer.
Condom advertisement? LOL.
The story goes like this... the birthday girl, Rou Gin wasn't really having the 'birthday mood' on that particular day. In order to cheer her up, she offered 3 things that we will have to choose at least 1 to fulfill. Obviously, 1 of them is that we have to buy condom for her. She thought we wouldn't dare but we did okay! haha. This is just a random picture we forced her to take in return but end up everyone's enjoying the truth or dare game, haha. Back at home, they wanted to have more fun so they decided to do a test on the elasticity that a condom can take. I know it's lame -_- LOL. And this is the result.
On Saturday, Seak Hwee's parents came to bring her back to hometown. All of us went to Sunway Pyramid that day. Went to Sushi Groove for lunch and then shop around, only Lee Ping, Shu Huey and me left. We fell in love with this cap from Rip Curl but better not splurge any further before we're bankrupt, haha. So, we just took some pictures with it in the fitting room.
Didn't wear cap for such a long time already.
The girl who accompany me every single day and night since my holiday started :)
Nothing special on Sunday and Monday, just the same routine again. Yumcha and gossiping session all the time, with all sorts of friends. But every session is full of laughter. I'm sure there's more to come before I go back to my hometown for weeks. So stay around.
*Thanks for fetching me back and forth during my exam period. And I'm actually happy for the concern and calls you gave me*
*Loves & Hugz*
*1st week without you*