Again, I'm a pity one who have classes to attend on New Year eve, so mood-dampening. It's been some time since I gave my car a bubble bath, my car has to look pretty and clean to prepare for a brand new year like the owner too right? LOL :D But I got totally no idea how to get a car washed, how to maintain the condition of a car and the list goes on. All these jobs have always been my dad's duty but now, I have the responsibility to learn how to pump petrol and make sure my car's in a clean and perfect condition. Though I scratched it before *heart-broken*
So, I called Joseph and Wen Tzeh to see whether they are free to help and accompany me to bring my car for bath. After my class ended, both of them accompanied me to get my car washed.
My car enjoying 'her' bath under the hot sun.
Testing...1,2,3...What a candid shot.
Someone has just became an 'Xperian' on the last day of 2008. New year, new phone uh? haha. I was trying to fool around with the camera of an 'Xperian' while waiting for my car being bathed.
Headed to Sunway Pyramid for lunch after that. Then, I forced the guys to accompany me to Bangsar for a short while although the car jam was starting soon :D Well, it's early of the month and I just got my money from mummy, hands are itchy waiting to shop already, teehee. Managed to reach home before we're stucked in the jam, and it's only 5pm in the evening. Can you imagine how the traffic would be on the night of New Year eve in KL? -.-
At night, decided to go to Euphoria, MOS in Sunway as we don't wanna waste our time being stucked in the jam just to get to the city. The queue is so damn freaking long at MOS that night. Thanks to Jacky and Eric, we managed to get in and get a table without queueing up :)
The effect of the flash makes me looks like vampire -.-
Without flash. Spot me in the dark?
Steven went vintage with specky on.
Babies of year 1990, Pui Yau & I.
Another snapshot with San Yee.
The boyfriend of San Yee.
Yong Shen.
Mr. Chung How.
Eric from Machines in Sunway Pyramid.
Jacky the marketing executive from Euphoria.
The pimp of the night.
Miss Hooi Yi. That girl can really dance.
Brother Jeff a.k.a Voon Hee.
Mr. Joseph with me.
Guys who are always there for me when I called S.O.S <3>
The sweetest couple of the night.
Liquor, Liquor, and...more liquor!
Partying real HARD.

Enjoying like no one cares.
And guess what, I met Jacklyn the sweetie pie there! Took a few pictures with her but the photos are still with her or maybe her friend's camera. Will post it up after I got them.
Some bootylicious public stripping show before party ends :D
Although a brand new year has already started, certain routines will never change. Went to 'yumcha' at Canai Cafe in SS15 before we went back home. The heels are really killing me that night, giving me blisters all over my feet *sobs*
Last but not least, Mr. Wen Tzeh. Took this at Canai Cafe. Flash light really sucks sometimes.
Can be considered that I had a blast on the night of New Year Eve, a big part of the factor is because of the number of friends who went that night. Ought to be excited awaiting for a brand new year, but I felt nothing special instead, haha. Happy New Year to everyone once again :)
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