WARNING: Tonnes of haggard pictures ahead *grin*
I'm back!! What to do on the first night after losing connection for 2 weeks? Teehee. Well, I'm actually super tired on that night as I could only manage to catch 2 hours of sleep on the night before I'm back, I don't know why. Maybe I'm too excited or too sad, a mixture of both I suppose.
Ahem, I'm now the new promoter for Euphoria. *LAUGHS*
Spot the word at the corner of the picture above? Obviously, the word 'Euphoria' shows where I've been. It's like my second home where I meet up with the little brother, Jia Hui and the abang, Dj Ssense and the Mr.Potato, Jacky and the list goes on. Guess I do not have to repeat it again and again in every post of my blog.
Am loving being squeezed by him :)
A fortnight seemed to be forever without touching and feeling him.
Hug me tightly and never let go.
The little brother, Jia Hui who always thinks that he's cute.
With all the so-called brothers.
Shopping day!! Not only me who can't resist the Mega Sales that is going on everywhere right now, the boy can't resist it as well. Yeah, we're both big spender *grin*
Took this before we went out.

Went to Dome for 'English Breakfast'. This cup of tea makes my PMS this month a lot worse.

Look at his stupid face!
Brother and sister fighting over a Blackberry Bold, Haha!
Another simple weekend I would say.