Many of my friends are actually December's babies like me :) So last Sunday was Ker Yi's birthday. Went out drinking in the bar outside Coco Banana to countdown his birthday since it's Saturday night as well.

The lucky kiddo, luckier than the birthday boy, LOL.

Seriously poser -.-

And again!

Spot my favourite shoes or sandals? Guessing game again, hehe.

Guys can be scarier than girls sometimes when it comes to posing.

What-the-hell pose is that? HAHAHA! Reminds me of kung fu panda.


The 'mystery man' and I. Well, he warned us not to show his real face.

Before heading back home, we're able to get in MOS for around half an hour, thanks to Jacky. P/s: Sorry to Jacky too.
Went back to SS17 after that. All of them 'KO-ed' except me, Shin Yee, Joseph, and Yong Way. Chilled for a while and cam-whoring session continued. here are some promoters advertising Ker Yi's birthday presents. Never know sanitary pads can be multi-function uh? LOL.

After all the fun and laughter, our stomachs are grumbling. Went 'yumcha' with Jacky in SS15 before calling off for the day.
Woke up rather late the next day. Then, Joseph suddenly suggested to go to Low Yat to get some stuffs. Had dinner at Asia Cafe then we headed to KL. Unfortunately, we're kinda late as most of the shops in Low Yat are closed when we reached. So, we went to Pavilion to have our supper and then movie.
Lil kiddo posing again.
Watched 'Yes Man' and it's really funny. Stomachaches after all the laughter. I would give the movie 4 out of 5 thumbs up. By the way, 'Ip Man' was a great movie too. The Japanese guy in the movie is so attractive! Gave the movie 4.5 ratings out of 5.
Last night, went for 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'. Must be thinking "movies again -.-" haha. The movie turned out to be okay only, 3 out of 5 ratings I would give. Everyday is just so simple yet I'm enjoying :)
*Forgiving is so much easier than forgetting*
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