My phone beeped while I was outside walking around and wasting time with Rou Gin in Bangsar and then The Gardens on last Thursday. My new housemates were asking to join them to Euphoria, MOS that night. They are really cool so definitely its a yes! But before we hit the club, Mr. Joseph and I managed to catch a movie which is the one with Singaporeans collaborating with Malaysians called 'Love Matters'. It was really hilarious that it did cure my mood swings a little that night. Would be giving the movie 3.5 thumbs up cause the storyline of the movie isn't that good nor meaningful though.
Headed to Euphoria after that. Surprisingly and also not surprisingly, I saw many familiar faces waving hands or smiling to me. The surprise one is because I met Isabella the sweet one. It was my second time meeting her and first time in a club. And the not so surprise part is that I would usually bump into friends in there for sure, maybe because I'm there too often :D
Anyway, here's some pictures that I stole from Isabella's blog and also from Melvin in Facebook, teehee. Well, almost all the ugly sides of me are out in the public thanks to Melvin.

Jacky wearing some random guy's hat. But it feels like Jacky is down with some disease that he loses his hair? Ooops! Haha! Touch wood. It's just a joke alright.
Girls that night. Kick me out and they can be described as hottest chicks that night.
From the left, Isabella, Me, Doreen, and Michelle.
And snap when its not even 3 yet!
Managed to get a better one though with me squeezing in. But it seemed like mushiie is still not ready yet as well.

Oh by the way, Melvin loves to snap photos even before people are ready. Wanna know why I said so? Scroll down.
It goes....

I had fun that night but it was definitely not my best night in Euphoria. Due to certain personal and private problems :)
*Never take things for granted*
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